MantisBT - Scoring Application Prototype
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0000085Scoring Application Prototype[All Projects] Generalpublic2014-07-03 15:192014-07-03 16:56
Sprint #7 
Sprint #7Sprint #7 
0000085: After adding new staves, thin straight accolade doesn't connect all staves.
There are cases when after adding staves accolade is not displayed properly.
Tests are checking only group. When improved test framework to check bracket as well, we can see that 4 tests failed because of this issue.
Easiest way to reproduce:
1) Add staff above
2) Go down
3) Add staff below
-> thick accolade is displayed only for the very bottom staff, instead of connecting all staves.

(If we add a new fragment after that, accolade is displayed correctly for it.)
Started at 300:30
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child of 0000073resolved ptrue Bug fixes 
Issue History
2014-07-03 15:19ptrueNew Issue
2014-07-03 15:19ptrueStatusnew => assigned
2014-07-03 15:19ptrueAssigned To => ptrue
2014-07-03 15:20ptrueRelationship addedchild of 0000073
2014-07-03 16:56ptrueNote Added: 0000082
2014-07-03 16:56ptrueStatusassigned => resolved
2014-07-03 16:56ptrueFixed in Version => Sprint 0000007
2014-07-03 16:56ptrueResolutionopen => fixed

2014-07-03 16:56   
Fixed in the build 263
Finished at 301:41
Effort is 2:00