MantisBT - Scoring Application Prototype
View Issue Details
0000054Scoring Application Prototype[All Projects] Generalpublic2014-06-07 18:162016-05-22 21:39
Sprint #6 
Sprint #10Sprint #10 
0000054: Zoom to rectangular selection
Implement zoom to rectangular selection by shift-(R)-drag.
No tags attached.
child of 0000067new  New minor features and updates 
Issue History
2014-06-07 18:16ptrueNew Issue
2014-06-07 18:17ptrueRelationship addedchild of 0000033
2014-06-15 10:09ptrueRelationship addedchild of 0000067
2014-06-20 04:46administratorTarget VersionSprint 0000006 => Sprint 0000007
2014-06-20 04:49administratorRelationship addedchild of 0000068
2014-07-01 00:20administratorTarget VersionSprint 0000007 => Sprint 0000008
2014-07-18 01:57administratorTarget VersionSprint 0000008 => Sprint 0000010
2015-05-06 12:17ptrueRelationship deletedchild of 0000068
2015-05-06 12:17ptrueRelationship deletedchild of 0000033
2016-05-21 23:36ptrueAssigned To => ptrue
2016-05-21 23:36ptrueStatusnew => assigned
2016-05-22 21:39ptrueStatusassigned => resolved
2016-05-22 21:39ptrueFixed in Version => Sprint 0000010
2016-05-22 21:39ptrueResolutionopen => fixed

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