MantisBT - Scoring Application Prototype
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0000020Scoring Application Prototype[All Projects] Generalpublic2014-05-26 16:162014-05-27 18:42
Sprint #5Sprint #5 
0000020: Vertical scaling threshold for the ending pages
For the last page of a section, where there are only a few of staff system fragments, it might not make any sense to stretch the material to the page height. It should be kept as is instead. The same is true not only for ending page but also for the pages where there are too few material because the next system fragment is so big that it doesn't fit to current page.

There should be a height threshold, e.g. 50% of the page height. If the material is less then this threshold then it is kept as is (with its preferred sizes), and only stretched if it is larger than this threshold. Later on the threshold should be part of the section configuration. Currently let's hardcode it to 50%.
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child of 0000005resolved ptrue Reduce amount of recalculation 
Issue History
2014-05-26 16:16ptrueNew Issue
2014-05-26 18:53ptrueNote Added: 0000010
2014-05-26 18:53ptrueStatusnew => resolved
2014-05-26 18:53ptrueResolutionopen => fixed
2014-05-26 18:53ptrueAssigned To => ptrue
2014-05-27 18:32administratorRelationship addedchild of 0000005
2014-05-27 18:42administratorFixed in Version => Sprint 0000005

2014-05-26 18:53   
Implemented in the build #157